Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Little snip from Lorca

lines (snipped from one of his poems) wich i find beautiful:

original wich i can't read/understand:

'Thamár, en tus pechos altos
hay dos peces que me llaman,
y en las yemas de tus dedos
rumor de rosa encerrada

in dutch:

'er is in je vingertoppen
een gevangen roos te verstaan'

english translations

'Thamar, you have in your high breasts
two fishes that call to me,
and in your fingertips
the murmur of a captive rose

'.. in the buds of your fingertips
murmur of enclosed rose'

'and through your fingers there goes
the buzzing of a rose in its bud'

eh i dont like the last translation.
hope i can find some more.


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